On being a writer
It's been a long time since I parked my pen.
After years of trying to become a writer in different fields, I realized that I am a writer after all.
The "to publish or perish" quote and "to be an accomplished writer" are two different goals.
The funny thing is, I fell short on describing the kind of writer I would like to become.
For years, growing up fascinated with JK Rowling's popularity and havin' that "I can also do it like Bob Ong" attitude, I believed that my ultimate dream "to become a writer" is also the same as "to be a famous writer". That one adjective made a huge difference in pushing my limits. How far will I go for my dream; for how long will I feel unsatisfied until I achieve that dream?
My attempts were all futile. I learned that I was too conscious to be accepted as a writer at the same time too scared to write honestly.
Reflecting on what I truly wanted, I always felt that fame,fortune and power are sinful rewards deserved by those who have earned wisdom and unshakable good character.
I am a work in progress.
After scrapping the word famous, I now have one less problem aka goal ticked off from my bucket list. I am so relieved.
I may not be recognized by the whole world as one of the greatest fiction writers or essayists, I have finally resolved that the validation that I am looking for must come from me first.
I simply need to acknowledge first myself as a writer and from there I'll learn..from that point, I'll write.
I am glad that I did try out a number of times to gain the nods of those I believed as pillars of television writing and I also attempted to be part of a well-known publishing company in the Philippines. Those experiences widened my grasp of what I truly wanted to become. When the experts pointed out the parts that I needed to work on, the more I am convinced that I have to keep on writing until I have perfected grammar, have established the style I wanted, have flourished and have enjoyed the genre that I fit in. Also, I am thankful that there are numerous platforms available to use for various writing needs.
For now, I am happy that one of my dreams has finally come true.
I am a writer!
It is time for me to focus on another goal.
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